Sunday, December 2, 2012

Get Your Contractor Website to the Top of Search Engines

If you want the website for your contracting company to rank number one in search engines and you're in a large metro area, you may face a lot of competition. But there's more than one way to skin a cat. You may find that it's faster to rank high on search terms like "kitchen update" and "room addition" than for "general contractor." Or for an electrician, the focus might be on "house rewire" rather than "electrician." The electrician may have the longer term goal of ranking high on "electrician," but in the meantime he can gain visibility for his website with less fought-over keywords. The strategy he needs is creating "landing pages."

Creating Landing Pages

Creating landing pages is an excellent way to add useful pages to a website. Here's how it works. Let's say that you're a general contractor who finds bathroom remodels profitable. You can create a special page for bathroom remodels. It can show photos of your jobs or photos of the types of designs customers can choose from.

If the pages include words that people often type into search engines --"keywords" like "bathroom remodel" or "kitchen update" -- this page can become an important landing page for your website. A landing page is the first page of your website that visitors land on.

Usually, of course, the first page that visitors land on is your homepage. This is likely to happen if the searcher types in "general contractor." However, if you create specific pages for keywords that people often search on besides "general contractor," these can also become important landing pages.

General contractors can create special pages devoted to each of a series of topics -- bathroom remodels, kitchen remodels, room additions, and so on. Different pages of the same website can show at the top of Google depending on whether the searcher types in "kitchen remodels," "bathroom remodels," "room additions," or also, of course, "general contractors."

Electricians might want a landing page for "house rewires." Plumbers might want a landing page for "copper re-piping." These are big ticket jobs that customers need a lot of information on before they choose a contractor.

Search engines want to provide the best possible websites for searchers. Many searchers prefer a single website that answers a lot of questions. As the goal of search engines is to please searchers so that they'll search again another day, search engines prefer large, comprehensive sites. Your landing pages will not only each have a shot at a number one ranking, they'll also beef up the content of your site and make it more attractive to search engines.

Landing Page Strategy If Your Website Already Ranks as Number One

Let's say a Boston plumber's website already ranks as number one for the keyword "plumber boston." He can use the landing page strategy to stretch his visibility further. If he creates a landing page for "copper re-pipes," he may be able to push it to rank number one when searchers in the Boston area type in "copper re-pipes." This will give him a second avenue for becoming visible to searchers. When the plumber shows up number one for many additional search terms like "drain cleaning," "emergency plumber," "24 hour plumber," and so on, I call this "Internet Domination." Regardless of how the potential customer searches, he or she will see this plumber's website as number one.

Search Engine Optimization for Contractors

In metro areas with a lot of competition among contractors, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is necessary to push your homepage and any other landing pages to the top of search engines. For example, with SEO you can properly label photos so that search engines understand their value to visitors despite the inability of search engines to decipher the actual content of photos. SEO both makes the website more accessible to visitors and communicates to search engines the value of the website.

However, the first step of both appealing to customers and ranking high in search engines is to create a website with pages that provide helpful and informative information about your trade and designing these to be landing pages for keywords that searchers frequently type into search engines.

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Easy Off-Page SEO Tips

On-page SEO is certainly among the important techniques when a new web marketer wishes to enhance the SERPs of their web page searches. Then again, on-page SEO typically calls for tech ability. How come? Well, very few people are Html code enthusiasts. This is normally what is required to be tweaked to accomplish the proper job in optimizing pages.

Let's say a techie buddy recently performed the on-page optimization and now you would like to know how to get lots of "google love" on your web page? Off-page optimization is the next step, and the "gold" you must "mine" will be one-way back links...Why?.... Well, this is how most of the major search engine listings like Google, Yahoo! and MSN calculate search rank. The greater number of back links from appropriate sites with good page ranking, the better off you'll be.

So how exactly can you develop back links? It's not an easy task but it's definitely much less nerve-wracking than Web coding if you are not the geek sort.

Here's a few off-page Optimization ideas:

1. Article Writing

Top quality article content is the boss. We are all hungry for fresh and high quality info and providing it will bring back links pouring in. It helps a bit to be a willing article writer to ensure success at this effort. Additionally, practice the correct way of writing a resource box. It needs to only offer a web site that contains information related to the articles you post to article submission sites.

2. Discussion board Contribution

Look for forums which might be related to your site's content and keep writing about topics that will be important to the readers of the forums. Your signature space or the tag-along message at the bottom of your posts is important to use for your off-page Optimization effort. Keep it simple and be sure that it communicates information relating to your site. Learn how to insert links to help the people who want to visit your web page.

3. Blogging

Blogs or web logs are now the most popular weapons of SEM pros. Besides being easy-to-update, they are easy to read, which is what many visitors like. Casual discussion which is often done via visitors leaving comments as well as the blog editor replying to the remarks is exactly what keeps blogs fresh and search engine friendly. Maintaining your blog that's relevant to your website's material will keep the various search engines in contact with your site. Be sure to use a hyperlink to the homepage from your blog.

The key to ensure success in executing these off-page optimization practices is being consistent. Publishing informative articles to websites at least two to three times a week and frequently creating material on your personal weblog can be a surefire way to make your site get traffic. Forum participation also need to be something done more on a regular basis since it will not only improve your website's popularity with the search engines but make's you learn new stuff from other readers contributions. Also, if you realise you don't like this stuff, there's always a plan B - hire an SEO expert to do them for you!

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Details On Search Engine Marketing

As it relates to reaching a target audience, among the most low-priced strategies that business owners can adopt is SEM or Search Engine Marketing. SEM can prove to be beneficial to both large scale and small businesses. Search Engine Marketing can be described as a kind of online marketing in which paid and contextual advertisement is utilized as a means of increasing the visibility of sites in the search engines. More often than not, advertisements that are paid for are the ones which show up at the top or placed on the side of results from a search, by the use of a search engine such as Google. There is a foremost distinction between usual marketing sources such as direct mail, catalog mail, radio, TV or trade magazines and SEM and this is the reason why the audience has a tendency to participate passively in the others because they are looking actively for solutions in the search engines.

There are a number of benefits associated with SEM and they include:

Using PPC Advertising To Target Internet Users

When they are searching for any specific keyword, users of the internet frequently come across a variety of Pay Per Click advertisements. As a result, provided that business owners are sufficiently paying per click, the advertisement will be put on show the instant a user of the internet searches for keywords that are relevant to and related to their business. The greatest advantage of Pay Per Click advertising in Search Engine Marketing is that unless and until a user click on the advertisement, owners of businesses are not required to pay anything. Just like the name suggests, owners of businesses just have to pay each time a user of the internet clicks on the advertisement. In other words, owners of businesses will simply pay for those visitors who have been directed to their websites, instead of paying in general for advertisement without having any guarantee that there will be an increase in website traffic.

Perfect for Local Consumer Targeting

The majority of individuals who use the internet have a tendency to restrict the searches that they carry out online to a local level. In so doing, when the site of a local company is found that is relevant to the search and they have had a careful look at the website, more often than not, the very first thing these individuals do is visit the company directly or call them up. For that reason, paying to market their business website on the internet, increase effectively their opportunities to attract local customers who arrive at their company in the flesh with the purpose of buying their services or products.

Cost Efficient Marketing Alternative

In addition to being ideal and quite excellent, Search Engine Marketing is quite a low-priced marketing option as well. When compared to other techniques used in marketing, Search Engine Marketing can prove to be an option that is quite affordable for owners of businesses who would like to effectively market their business site online. Search Engine Marketing is as valuable as other techniques used in marketing; however, owners of businesses will not have to pay out as much money as is customary when they make use of other marketing strategies.

Your website is equipped with the right Search Engine Optimization tool, in order that you will be able to be competitive online and show up on page one in the organic search results.

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Using Google Or The Yellow Pages

Yesterday I was searching for plumber using Google and I had my results within .3 of a second. How can the Yellow Pages possibly compete with this? In most peoples opinion it can't and even if it could, it's still more fun to type it into Google.

Modern companies need to start assessing the viability of their advertising methods and costs to make sure that they are getting the greatest value for money. Should they spend another $5000 on their yearly Telephone Directory add or should they be investing that money to enhance their online presence.

The search directories of old are quickly becoming obsolete. They are large, heavy and cumbersome, and even the most astute among us would not be able to find a plumber within 10 seconds after rummaging through any directory no matter how efficiently it was indexed.

For most people it actually takes a consorted mental effort to accurately remember when they last used a phone directory for something other than a foot stool or doorstop. If you surveyed a group of 100 people each armed with a smart phone, a laptop and the yellow pages, how many people do you actually think would start looking through the yellow pages to locate their local plumber.

When using the Yellow Pages not only are you confronted with every other possible business that starts with 'P' when searching for your local plumber, you are ultimately shown biased results based on a company's willingness to name their company 'Triple A Plumber'. If you don't want biased results you must continue to search through a different section called the 'locality guide', which also tends to omit certain local results and makes some companies nearly impossible to find.

If you combine these inefficient search result parameters with the exorbitant fees Yellow Pages charges to have your company listed amongst their results then Google is clearly a mile in front.

Not only will Google show your website for free in its search results, your website could be 1000 pages long if need be. You site can be visually engaging and even include video, and you can customize the experience to perfectly fit your customer's needs and expectations. This really is an unfair comparison when we remember that the cost of a full-page black and white ad in the Yellow Pages is enough to send a lot of small companies totally broke.

So the question is, 'why do companies still persist in maintaining their listings in the yellow pages?' Perhaps its cognitive dissentience. The average cost of a Yellow Pages listing is at least $1000 and for that kind of money you can build a beautiful website indeed. If you maintained that yearly fee for five years you could build an exceptional website for $5000 and you could create and keep up a web presence that would easily outperform any full-page Yellow Pages listing.

Google also makes it possible to check and decide exactly how many potential customers would be searching for your services via their keyword tool. This information assists you to change your site and market sales pitch so you can snare the largest and most relevant customer base. Your somewhat left in the dark about your market analytics when it comes to a phone directory listing as it's impossible for any directory to accurately forecast how many phone calls you'll receive from your listing.

There's also that urban myth that a Yellow Pages listing somehow makes a company appear legitimate and trustworthy. Can you the reader actually envision a person that is about to do business with a company asking themselves, 'now I just want to see if this company is listed in the Yellow Pages before I do business with them because I don't really trust a company that isn't listed and if they're not listed I'll take my business elsewhere to a company that is listed in the Yellow Pages'? Personally, I've rang many companies listed in the Yellow pages only to find that the number has been disconnected.

Business owners need to be economically efficient and if I was that plumber who wanted more customers I'd hedge all my money on the fact that if customers were looking for me they'd be typing 'plumber' into Google. Then they'd choose a plumber after browsing their website from the search results they were given and not a plumber they found in the Yellow Pages.

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Keywords And The Symbiosis Of The Marketing Mix

Everyone is keyword crazy, it seems. And every small business owner is expected to be an expert. It sounds so easy - choose the words that will help your customers find your company's products and services online, right? Wrong.

A little over a decade ago, keyword analysis would have hardly influenced the marketing budgets of the large corporations, let alone small businesses. The internet marketing industry was being born, thanks to Google's radical ideas on monetising search on the world wide web. Keywords have become the buzzword of our generation; everyone is expected to understand what they are, what they do, how to use them and hone the ability to exploit them to foster profitability.

It's a disarmingly transparent, yet sophisticated, system: choose relevant words or terms, optimise website pages and content, watch the traffic reroute itself from your competitors and into your profits. We all know that judicious use of keywords can make a business website visible and successful. What happens, though, if your competitors are using the same ones as you?

Words and terms comprise part of the framework used by search engines like Google and Bing to decide whether or not to rank a web page in its results. Often businesses can't work out why they are not achieving high search engine results page (serp) rankings and attracting more customers: it may be because they are too keyword-focused to appreciate the wider framework, or - to continue a metaphor - greet the other delegates at the table.

A company's keywords - used in its page headers, content, advertising and social media - will only work at their best if they are integrated into a wider plan of action. As lunch is served at our metaphorical board table, for example, bread tastes far better with butter, chicken and salad to complement it, and leaves you fuller for longer.

While your company might use some of the same searchable terms as its industry competitors, there are potentially others that can be used to drive traffic your way rather than theirs. Though each industry has dedicated keywords, each company can be made competitive in its products and services by using the marketing mix: analysis and diagnostics, pay-per-click, social media, blog posts, news releases, articles, link building.

Keywords inform these activities and the success of these activities informs their development in return. It's symbiotic; it's a successful business meeting. Moreover, because it is not a static process, it adjusts to the tough commercial environment of the internet, rises to the challenges set by changes in search engine algorithms and best practice, and therefore makes the best use of your marketing budget.

Return on investment (ROI) is what enthuses people about internet marketing. Agencies always talk about the ROI with the idea that even a small budget, wisely used, can drive traffic and make a profit. It's true: agencies and their clients are not indulging in a phantom feast but are experiencing genuine, sustainable success.

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Result-Oriented Services by SEO Marketing Companies

SEO Marketing companies are delightfully lavishing their attention to magnify the web presence of the website. They are making the website more interactive and search engine friendly in order to get the maximum attention of the web users. Full service Internet Marketing Firm offer creative and passionate website SEO services that are known as organic SEO for all the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.

Media researches and studies have yielded that most consumers are no longer using print media to find the products or services or the mixture of both. Instead, they rely on the top-tier search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing to search and locate product or service relevant information for their buying decisions. They are relying on the websites, its information, listings, customer reviews, etc to buy products or services. Considering the same, the competition has taken a new shape and online businesses are adapting themselves as per the newly emerging online marketing trends. This is the reason internet marketing companies are flocking towards SEO and SEM to collaboratively snatch traffic to the website, which eventually enhances sales and return on investment.

SEO Consultants of these internet marketing companies help online businesses to optimize their website and make it visible on the online platform. After getting the recognition and prominence from the top and leading search engines, these websites get immense traffic and nice rankings as well. Web analysts and consultants understand how search engines work, behave and therefore they apply their ethical and proven our methodologies to deliver the best results.

To achieve substantial prominence and rankings on the web, internet marketing companies offer result-oriented services including:

Search Engine Optimization

Web analysts and SEO consultants collectively provides a wide variety of online techniques that often includes directory and SE submission and registrations, profile listing, local marketing, link building, content optimization, article submissions, press releases writing and submission, and social bookmarking. They can instantly bring the website to the top of the search engines first page (SERP). They stringently employ white hat SEO strategies that will get you to the top and help to retain the positions through their continuous endeavor.

Directory Submission

Web Directories are the most authentic source of fetching the relevant and result-oriented information for Internet users. Even search engines captures vital data from the web directories. A web directory encompasses listing of several websites in certain defined categories. Getting a listing for your web based business in the most popular and renowned web directories can help a lot to enhance online popularity as well as presence.

Internet marketing companies offer SEO services based on the proper research and analysis. They provide every possible service to enhance online visibility as well as reputation.

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The Winning Formula for Sustainable Lead Generation

When a marketer finally brings in traffic and coverts it into leads the feeling is great, you know that what you have been doing is working. There is a common mistake here in that you can believe that's it, no more lead generation work needs to be done. This is something which many learn the hard way when the leads and sales begin to dry up. A top marketer will always have their eye on next month's plan for lead generation making sure there are systems in place to keep the flow of leads constant. They have a goal each month and they plan how they will meet it, constantly checking and evaluating, never taking things for granted.

The biggest thing for any marketer is being found in the huge world of the internet. Whichever search engines people focus on getting ranked it, is important to know how to get yourself visible for what you have to offer. Time, effort and money must be well spent in the job of lead generation, knowing where to focus all these is important so you can set achievable lead targets each month. I have put together the best 5 areas to focus on in helping you to be found on the internet, so let's take a look.

1. Using a blog- It is important to have a place to brand yourself and your business and if you have not started then you must. The important thing with a blog is to be consistent, making sure you post fresh content each week aiming for at least four times. This will constantly tell search engines you are active and your blog is fresh and being updated with new posts. Make sure what you post, is good quality content so people who find it will respect what your blog has to offer.

2. Update all your pages on your site - Frequency in keeping all your site up to date is important to both search engines and people visiting on a regular basis. You don't have to update as regular as your blog posts but still make sure every week you look if there's anything which needs updating to keep up with current issues in your industry.

3. Your content must meet people's needs - When writing your content make sure you know what it is people in your industry search for when they have a problem. Find out what the needs are, what they care about, what they struggle with and create answers to those problems meaning your creating relevant content.

4. Do your keyword research - This is by far one of the most important things you must do when writing content. What are people in your market searching for in search engines? Once you know this you will have the knowledge to create content people are looking for.

5. Use your content to create organic success - Use of long tail keywords is important as they make up 70% of searches on the internet so it is important to learn and understand how to use long tail phrases in your content to increase natural organic traffic to your site.

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How to Increase Your Google Rankings

Google rankings can dramatically impact your amount of blog or website traffic.

This article will review how you can improve your Google rankings.

Obtaining the top position on Google is a highly coveted achievement. According to studies, that top position gets 30-40% of the clicks from searches for a particular key word (the term being searched).

Blogging is one of the best ways to attain that top position, and businesses should strategically incorporate a blog into their website because that can increase their rankings on Google.

Blogs offer content that the search engines love because that content is updated more often than the content on static websites.

The content on a typical static website is often not changed and that is what the term "static" refers to. If the company adds a blog to their site and posts daily or at least once every week, the amount of content potentially picked up by the search engines increases dramatically in time. That content, if properly optimized, then gets indexed by search engines. That means that the business increases its chances of being found by the search engines because there is more content pointing back to their website. By "properly optimized", I'm referring to the importance of keyword-rich content. It is crucial that keywords are chosen carefully. Keywords should not be too competitive, yet they should have a significant amount of monthly searches.

Consistency in blogging new posts is important, but so is the actual value of the content. The more valuable the content, the greater the chance that others will post a blog on their website about your content. That post should reference your content by containing your link. These links are called incoming links, and Google loves them, especially if they come from relevant blogs. It's even better when huge, high-authority, high-traffic sites link to your blog.

So, increasing the number of pages that are indexed and getting links from relevant and high-authority sites, will move your site up in Google rankings.

Be cautious that building too many links from sites that don't have relevant content can actually hurt your Google rankings.

The bottom line is that adding a blog to your existing site is a smart strategy to increase your rankings on Google.

The Empower Network can help increase your rankings on Google.

At the Empower Network, we feel that blogging is a powerful tool for increasing Google rankings. We also feel that blogging can be considered a form of "permanent advertising". Blogging gets you traffic as long as your content is indexed on the search engines. That content will be out there for a long time, and people can then click the links to be directed to your site.

The Empower Network offers bloggers a high-authority, high-traffic network of blogs to leverage their efforts in achieving high Google rankings.

So far, many bloggers have had success in seeing their content rank quickly on Google. If you don't have a website, you can drive traffic to your Empower Network blog by posting valuable, optimized content, and these pages are actually getting indexed quickly and getting high Google rankings.

People with existing blogs are linking those blogs to their Empower Network blog to improve their Google rankings. Many of our bloggers using this strategy say that their rankings have improved greatly in the 4 months since the inception of the Empower Network.

So, it appears that whether you have an existing blog or not, you can leverage the Empower Network system of blogs to increase your Google rankings.

Do you have techniques for increasing Google rankings?

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Google Places Help: 3 Top Resources to Help Your Listing

Google Places is a product from Google that gives businesses a free online listing to claim and optimise. These local listings include the name, address, phone number and website of the business, along with other relevant information that people browsing the web may find useful. It's possible to upload multiple photos, videos and also run special offers. Considering the power of Google and the fact that 97% of consumers search for local businesses online, claiming your Places listing is probably one of the single most important things you can do to boost your business locally. It is one of the pillars of local online visibility along with a businesses' own website and social media presence.

As with all things related to Google, Places is constantly changing and bugs can sometimes creep through the system affecting rankings. This can be frustrating for business owners, so what resources are available for you when you decide to claim and manage your own listing? Here are three that come highly recommend:

Google Places Quality Guidelines

Before even getting started with Places and claiming your listing you should have a good read of the quality guidelines. These guidelines set out the basic rules and offer some help in understanding Google Places. They let you know if your business is eligible for a listing, along with some basic instructions on what type of information is allowed and what is not. Getting to know these guidelines well is vitally important because if you fall foul of them then you're likely to get hit with a penalty and that could mean you're listing disappears for a while. For most businesses that can end up being a painful and costly experience.

Google Places Help Forum

The place to go to for help with all your Places questions and issues. It's actually called the "Google and Your Business" forum now, but it's still a great place to go and join in discussions about Google Places and find answers to any questions you may have. There are two main discussion categories based around general advice and technical issues. The forum is monitored by a Community Manager, who does a great job of keeping the lines of communication with the Big G going. There is also a good group of knowledgeable contributors to the forum who can offer advice and solutions to any Google Places problems you may be experiencing.

Google Places Category Tool

Choosing the right business categories for your listing is one of the most important things to get right. Mike Blumenthal has a great blog on understanding Places and local search, and he's done a lot of work around business categories. His Google Places Category Tool is a great spot to start and allows you to search for all the official categories in a number of different countries. Find one or two official categories that fit for your business and then you can use the remaining three spots to customise your own categories, making sure, of course, that you stick to the quality guidelines.

Now you're ready to get started and navigate your way through the Google Places verification process. Keep the 3 resources above bookmarked in your browser and you should be fine.

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The Importance of Hiring a Professional Search Engine Optimization Company

The necessity to revamp your business and to bring in more attention and prospective customer traffic to your website, professional search engine optimization services are most important. Natural or organic search engine optimization is considered the best way to stay ahead of competitors and do good business online. SEO is in fact easy to learn and practice if you have time and a desire to do it yourself.

Optimization involves two processes, namely onpage and offpage optimization. The use of keywords is required density and places to promote website is onpage optimization. Link building and getting leads through various similar or related websites to pull traffic toward you website is offpage optimization. It is important to balance the keyword density when working on onpage optimization, as stuffing or overloading phrases can prove negative to your web-content and indeed proves futile for improving your rank in search engines.

Onpage also known as On-Web page optimization is a hard work involving arrangement of website's elementary elements. This standardized technique exposes and highlights the powerful areas of emphasis on relevance basis. It is systematic manipulate search engines you aim at. By bringing website's main keywords together, which generally indicates common areas of interest and relevant search phrases, close to your foreground.

It is utmost importance that onpage optimization relates with factors of Meta tags, that generally begin with your heading and conclude with your website's hyperlinks and keywords. A thumb rule to follow is that your heading or title must contain major keywords; search engines tend to give substantial relevance if you fail to follow this rule. Embed your strongest keywords strongest in your website's URL, as you will get most traffic and desired results.

Off-Page optimization components ensure effective and good quantity of backlinks and link building as the hyperlinks embedded in your website from other related outside resources. The incoming inbound links are a main source to boost your off-web page optimization. SEO services companies ought to examine your internet website and do keyword assessment; they also identify and treat any modifications thereon. They are experts to examine the potent hyperlinks, and develop campaign related to key phrases implementation.

Organic search engine optimization is not the lone way to achieve a superior search engine position, generally opting for low cost solutions than typical web site campaigns and promotions or given a choice purchasing a lot better webpage placement service in popular search engines like Google is sometimes more effective. These onpage and offpage facets of a reliable Seo service are needed to ensure an efficient and productive optimization course for your website.

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How to Improve Your Website With A Blog

One of the easiest ways a website can attract visitors is to give them something fresh to see. A website that never changes its content can become boring and forgotten. By adding a blog, there is always something new and different on your website. Maintaining a blog can be challenging, however. It takes time, writing skill, creativity and having a blog component on your website to make it a regular occurrence.

Set-Up The most important part of having a blog is putting one on your website. You can do it yourself if you have computer knowledge. Otherwise, it is easier to have a professional service handle the design, layout and set-up. This is also a good time to have other changes and upgrades made to your site. There are many different blog programs or platforms available. A search engine positioning company can help you decide what type of blog software to use and will set it up for you. A search engine positioning company can also teach you how to post blogs or post them for you.

Time Blogging takes time. Some people find it easier to hire someone to do their blogging for them than to do it themselves. If you barely have time to run your business, you might consider having a professional blogger do it instead. They can be found locally or through a search engine optimization agency as part of the blogging package.

Talent If you enjoy writing, you will probably enjoy writing blogs for your own website. Take a class on blogging to learn some of the basics, such how to write to an audience or perhaps take a writing class to brush up on grammar and spelling. It is important that the blog has quality content. This will help it rank well in the search engines. Not only does the ability to write well help to draw an interested audience, it also helps to separate the good quality websites from the poor quality websites on search engine results page ranking. If you are not much of a writer, leave the blogging to someone who is.

Creativity Coming up with new ideas to add to a blog can be challenging. The easiest topics are those that affect your company on a daily basis. Choose some products or services to highlight. Answer questions that customers ask frequently. Showcase new products, unusual news in your industry or special events that involve your company. If you run out of ideas, ask for guest blog posts by readers or employees. Encourage people in your office to submit ideas.

The more frequently your website has fresh quality content, the better your website ranking will be. The better your website ranking is, the more likely people are to find it when they are searching for information on your industry or business.

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Why a Search Marketing Blog Is a Must-Read for Today's Retailers

A search marketing blog is one of the most important things you can read from, learn from, and research before you start your own Internet website. You need to be practically focused on every element of the search engine process, and you can't exclude any of them. You need to become an absolute expert in search engine marketing, and you need to make sure all your websites rank well, not just a few of them, and all their pages rank well too.

This can be a pretty tall order for a new webmaster to fulfill, but the trick is researching all the latest tips from SEM blogs. The blogs have the most current information, and they don't really have any outdated or old information because every post is current. However, a lot of websites have just outdated information because they don't update them as frequently. It is best that people focus on their keyword phrases, keyword density, and search engine optimization when they are working on a new website, but they can't get the best tips and tricks unless they pay attention to what the blogs are saying. Websites are just too outdated, and they won't have the right information. There are a lot of people that bookmark a whole lot of blogs, and they read from a different search marketing blog every day. These people are especially savvy and wise to the ways of search engines, and they have a lot to learn from reading a new blog every day.

There are a ton of people out there that have compiled, aggregated, and searched through thousands of blogs and bookmark all of them and read them on a daily basis. This makes it incredibly easy for them to get all the latest tips and tricks. They are never at a loss for the most current search engine information, and that gives them a stark edge over their competitors. There are a ton of people out there that don't pay attention to any particular search engine blog, and these people usually suffer with less traffic and fewer conversions. It really makes sense for people to focus on the basics of search engine marketing at first, but then to expand and branch out to learn more about the intricacies of search engines from reading as many blogs as possible and getting as in-depth information as possible on the subject. These people should stay very up-to-date on the subject too.

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How to Get to the First Page of Google: 10000+ Free Visitors Per Month

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is nothing but making content in a manner that makes Google happy, so that the blog/posting shows up on the first page of search results, and gets a lot of free traffic.

SEO is never to be taken lightly as this plays a very important role in almost everything that you do online, so master this skill as best as you can. Video marketing, Blogging and Article Marketing are a few examples that can help you achieve your targeted traffic faster and free.

PPC (Pay per click)/ P.P.V (Pay per View) and Social Media (Face Book/Twitter) are a few exceptions which help you get instant traffic, but off course you need to pay on CPM (Cost per mile or Cost per thousand views) basis.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is the most important aspect in internet marketing, that helps you know 'How To Get To The First Page of Google' and receive more than 10,000+ free visitors each month. Once you've developed this skill and acquired the techniques to successful keyword development, your article /blog/video gets the top rankings on the search engines. If keywords are not targeted wisely, your efforts derive ZERO results. The success and failure of your blog/post depends largely on your keyword phrase. Spend a good amount of time and efforts on keyword research for targeted traffic. Trust me; it always pays back for your pains-taking efforts.

If you're not targeting your keywords wisely, you're absolutely wasting your time, with your blogs receiving NO traffic.

Keyword research has another very important concept to be understood, SHORT-TAILED and LONG-TAILED keywords. You should always target Long-tail keywords that are longer and more specific phrases. A good long-tail keyword must consist of 3-5 words in a single key-term phrase. For a quick and easy shortcut to massive amounts of long-tail keywords, just start typing into Google search or any of the top ranked search engines and see what suggestions pop-up.

Factors influencing Search Engine Page-1 ranking:

Whether your site is worthy of showing-up on the first page of the search results depends on two main factors.

· On-page optimization:

This is all about your website and how your article or blog post is arranged /structured. Is the article, video, or blog clearly targeting to the specific keyword phrase? Will the searcher find the blog appealing? Is the searcher likely to click and go inside your page to find out more information?

To get successful and to stay ahead of the competition, follow the two precious steps.

Use the keyword once in the Title of your article, blog post, or video. Use the keyword once in each paragraph of your article, blog post or video.

· Off-page optimization:

This is all about how many other websites link back to your website. The more the number of sites that link back to your site through your articles, blogs, videos and other sites, the better it is for you. While linking back to your website, it shouldn't just say 'click here'. The actual link should be your keyword phrase. The 'Anchor Text' is what is seen click able in blue.

Off-page optimization is all about link buoys [links, that link back to your website], that will help you get to Page-1 ranking on Google and other Search engines.

Now that you know - how to get to the first page of Google and get 10,000+ free visitors per month, apply these simple principles and you'll have much more traffic leads than you can actually imagine.

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Diagnosing A Reduction In Search Engine Traffic

Webmasters have endless access to data regarding their own websites. From viewing traffic sources to analysing visitor demographics, the access to data can be overwhelming for many. So let's look at website traffic and help how to spot a drop in traffic within the search engine results pages. When traffic suddenly drops, one thing that's clear is that there will be a solution to the problem. For example many online retailers rely on traffic and customers, if traffic drops then finding the problem is vital.

So what diagnostic measures can one take after discovering a drop in traffic or to possibly identify this?. First and foremost it's important to discover the source of the problem. To begin try viewing Google Analytics to help discover the problem. For instance is it only organic traffic or is it paid search? By viewing each, it will soon become visible which traffic is being directly affected.

For those who do not often use Google Analytics, or any other website analytic tools, it would be worth learning. Because this tool can help you become pro-active at viewing any possible changes to page views or increased bounce rates, and in doing so can help improve your website and identify where current problems may exist.

Here's another tip that could help highlight a possible problem, simply filter analytics by organic traffic only. Many websites will receive the majority of traffic from brand queries. By doing this can help display queries driven by organic traffic. If the results are low, then by increasing SEO work will no doubt help improve these figures. Or by comparing data by year-on-year for example can help identify possible changes in markets and possible trends.

Also, to what extent has traffic fallen?, has traffic suddenly hit a cliff edge and disappeared over night or has it been a gradual problem that has been hemorrhaging, i.e. getting worse each month. Sudden drops could mean that there has been changes made to the robots.txt file that impacts how the search engine crawlers index a website. Has there been a website design that involved URL migration? If so has the Google Analytics code been removed. Although not impacting a website as previously thought, the data will have been lost.

Last but not least if the above is true and traffic has sudden disappeared over night, and there are no other possible explanations then it could be a result of the website being penalized by the search engine. For instance, Google has a notification area within Webmaster Tools to help notify each webmaster when a penalty has been applied. With the many changes being made each year to search engine algorithms it's vital to stay up-to-date, just recently there has been an update tackling websites that have been taking part in link farms and schemes. Make sure only ethical link building techniques are being used and that by following the webmaster guidelines no penalty will ever be issued.

Don't think this is all that can be done to diagnose or identify problems in traffic, another area that can be further investigated is keyword traffic. To view possible keywords that are bringing in the most traffic compared to last month and even last year, within Google Analytics. This can also be used to assist future link building and search engine optimisation campaigns.

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Online Reputation Management - Using Reverse SEO for Proactive Public Relations Crisis Management

Online reputation management begins with managing your brand in Google, Bing, Yahoo and social media search results.

When someone searches online for your business, what do they see?

Do the first few results show your business in a positive or negative light?

Fifty-six percent of Google users click on the first result shown after a search. Only 13 percent click on the second result shown and it goes down from there, according to a Cornell University study.

Because of this, it's important that the first few search results show your business in a positive light. Ideally with a little search engine optimization the first result will be your website.

But what happens when negative results clutter the first page?

For example, let's say you own a restaurant and the Dallas Morning News wrote a scathing review of the place on their website. When Google users search for your restaurant, the negative review is the first thing that pops up. Results 2-6 are food-lovers blogs that republished the negative review. Your website doesn't show up until result number seven.

A search engine optimization campaign could move your website up to the first result, but in this scenario you need something more - reverse SEO.

While traditional SEO moves the results you want up in ranking, reverse SEO pushes negative search results down.

Almost 90 percent of Google users do not view the second page of search results. Only two percent of users will look at results on the third page.

Using reverse SEO, negative results such as the critic's review can be pushed down until they get lost in the second or third page of results.

So how do you begin pushing down negative results?

To start, you need to research the depth of your problem.

How many negative results are there? How predominately are the negative results featured when someone searches for your business? How many people are discussing negative information about your business on social media sites?

Once you've identified the scope of your problem, it's time to take the next step - responding to criticism. A novice yet common mistake is to think that ignoring negative comments on blogs and social media is the best tactic. However by ignoring these comments, you are missing a valuable opportunity to defend your business and fix the "wrong" the commenter believes you did.

Let's go back to our restaurant example.

On one of the blogs that reposted the negative review, someone states in the comment section that they received horrible service while dining at your establishment. While it may be tempting to fire back a defensive comment, don't. Instead, respond positively. The goal is to change the customer's negative opinion, not reinforce it.

An appropriate response for this scenario would be something along the lines of "I'm sorry you didn't enjoy your experience. Please call us to discuss what went wrong. We would like to extend an invitation for you to visit us again - on our tab."

The next tactic to consider implementing for reverse SEO is a blog. Starting a blog on your business's website will increase its search rank, moving it ahead of the negative results. A blog is also a great way to have complete control over your message. For the best results, your blog needs to be updated frequently.

While you're creating content for your corporate website, consider creating a few videos. By posting a video on, adding a link back to your website and embedding the video on the site, you can boost your website's SEO. The higher your content ranks in SEO, the lower the negative results rank.

By responding to criticism and creating new content in either blog or video form, you can jumpstart reverse SEO, but reverse SEO isn't a short-term fix. A reverse SEO campaign can take anywhere from a few months to a year to hide negative content.

However, reverse SEO remains one of the best tactics for managing negative situations that will affect your company.

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